
Two messy eyebrows
one little childhood scar.

The skyline on the sand
and four drops of green tea.

So one writes blank.


Friday, May 2, 2008


Underwear underground underfloor
undersea underbelly underfoot
underclass underling underdog underpaid underhand
under-secretary undertaker
buries undertone under the bed
secretly stolen underskirts
I underlined underwritten
underestimated underdeveloped understated
put under key
pushed underwater
under the red sun
over the blue moon
becoming pale green.

Subordinate subhuman subaltern
submissive subliminal subculture
subversive subject on the subway
subscribed subtitled subnormal
substituted with a subterrenean subcontractual subterfuge
subcutaneous subtropical subventions
subatomic particle
subconscious memory
subsonic shout
subdivided in sublime and subtle

Overpowered overpaid overlord in overdose
overly overgrown overweight overnight
overeaten overflown
overall oversexed
overbearing overawing the overworking class
overtaxed in overtime
overruled since overture.
Overproduction crisis
subventioned with surplus
staying in surplace
the overcrowded world overcharged overloaded overblown
overexposed overdressed overshadowed.

superhuman superman
superb supreme superconductor
supernatural supermarket
superlative superior supremacy superfluous
survived superpower
suppurating superstitious superficial
supervisors superstructures superintendents
supine supplicants supposed to supply supersonic suppers
supplanted by surrogate supple supporters without supplements
surpassing surface of surely suspicious surnames
surrounded by
surprise surveillances
surgery sutures
surreal surrenders.

Originally posted in Italian on March 9, 2008 at 1:03

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