
Two messy eyebrows
one little childhood scar.

The skyline on the sand
and four drops of green tea.

So one writes blank.


Monday, November 10, 2008

The sophoras path (by Wang Wei & P'ei Ti)

Aside on the path
________sheltered by the sophoras
in the secret of the shadow
________the green musk flourishes.
They answer the door:
________the servant appears, alone, and greets me.
He thought that the monk from the mountain
________was already arrived.

South of the door,
________beside the sophoras,
there is the path on the edge,
________which brings to the lake I.
As Autumn arrives,
________it rains a lot on the mountain;
nobody collects
________the leaves which fall.

(da: Poems from the river Wang, translated by me from Italian)

Originally posted in Italian on November 9, 2008 at 0:57

1 comment:

Alfio said...

This poem by the poet, painter and musician Wang Wei, written together with his friend P'ei Ti, has such an imaginative power that nothing else is needed; still I've found this new drawing by Katalin Szabò so close to it.

Originally commented on November 10, 2008 at 00:36


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