Last Sunday night were closed both of the polls so solemnly called two weeks ago in order to vote the most and the least appreciated poems from Per chi rimangono accese le luci (For whom stay on the lights).
You will find the results at the end of the right side-bar, where they will remain still for some days, before been archived in the telematic nothingness for ever, with no regrets.
The results are almost amazing: no one would have imagined such a shared indifference to a stupid idea made with such ignored seriousness, as the one seen in this poll.
In order to enjoy in the best way possible this silly victory, I’m going to post soon the winning poem, while I’m going to ignore completely the otherwise classified ones. In this way, no further recriminations or regrets will be caused among the many supporters.
For what concerns the other poll, the one about the worst pieces, we cannot proclaim a winner, because it is not admitted by the rules which I have just invented, more than a winner. Sure is however, that some pieces didn’t work just like they had to in the communication passage between author and reader, and I solemnly promise to watch them again and with more empty eyes.
Another statistic which seems of some importance to me, is the sum of the votes taken by every section, which still confirms to me that the one dedicated to Heidelberg is definitely the most successful, while the first one and the last two sections (versi sparsi/uncollected verses and mal-dette/badly said or just cursed) pay maybe a minor cohesion by one side, and the presence of some younger and naives pieces on the other one, apart, of course, from the obvious critical incompetence of the voting readers.
All considered, I would say that it was an unrepeatable experience, which means that it should never be repeated until the next Big Bang, but I am no more so sure that this would be something for what it’s worth to keep on hoping.
Originally posted in Italian on February 26, 2008 at 23:50
1 comment:
Before definitively removing the widgets of both the polls, I’m reporting here the results:
Poll n. 1 (7 multiple votes from 10th to 24th February)
“Which are the poems from Per chi rimangono accese le luci which you liked the most?”
[between parenthesis the English titles of the already translated poems]
3 votes:
- A love supreme in a car full of rage
2 votes:
- A Nauris
- Per chi rimangono accese le luci (For whom the lights stay on)
- [Ho contato il centesimo balcone non visto]
1 vote:
- Un poeta più in là
- [Non avrei voluto essere d’altro che specchio]
- [Questa sera il tuo orecchio è una conchiglia]
- A Katalina
- Mi hai detto di essere un filo
- Passaggi
- [Il sole spariva un sorriso dal volto]
- [Quando il sole è giunto sotto il ponte]
- [Avrei sceso con te persino le scale]
- Le chiuse
- [Al volgere di questi giorni tronchi]
- Il ciclista
Poll n. 2 (6 multiple votes from 10th to 24th February)
“Which are the poems from Per chi rimangono accese le luci which you liked the least?”
2 votes:
- Vecchia ferita
- [Dall’acqua si vedeva]
- [Negli occhi tuffavo laghetti di Finlandia]
1 vote:
- [Questa sera il tuo orecchio è una conchiglia]
- Passaggi
- [Ritti sulla schiena del ponte]
- [Seduti su di un altro muretto]
- [Eccomi ancora una volta travolto]
- [Io ubbidivo in fiducia alla legge di Lavoisier]
- [Dici bene tu]
Originally commented on March 2, 2008 at 15:12
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